A book i would love to write

A book i would love to write

A Book I would Love to Write

A book I would love to write is about my maternal grandmother, who died of uterine cancer in 1997. Among seven daughters, my mom is the youngest child and was the apple of my grandparents’ eye. After my grandfather passed away, my grandmother broke apart, but she never showed her emotion. She was a strong woman, who barely got sick. Since she never wanted to go to doctors, by the time the doctors declared that she has uterine cancer was too late to do any treatment. The cancer cells had invaded the bladder, intestine, and other parts of the body. She used to live in a village and when we heard the news, we rushed there to see her. By the time we got there she could not speak anymore. She laid flat on the bed starring at people. The bed was wet with blood and flies were all over the place. The scene was so horrible and heart breaking that I could never erase that from my memory.  All my grandmother wanted was to see my mother for the last time and say some last words. Unfortunately, it was too late for anything. The disease had crawled like an earthworm and eaten her body like a vulture eats a dead cow. The pain she went through cannot be described in words. It was hard for us to see her fighting with a monster that was unbeatable. She passed away the day after we left for the city. The love she gave us cannot be measured by anything. I miss those nights when she used to read spooky stories to me. I miss those days when she used to make pitha, a type of cake or bread. She is missed every day and will be in our hearts forever.

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tahneen moshreba

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11 2012

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  1. DebbieBlue #

    Wow, your memories seem so vivid! The descriptive word choices that you used really leave me feeling horrified and almost traumatized. You are a good writer and I can imagine that if you did write this book, it would be a very painful experience. I am sorry that you saw your grandmother in bed with such horrible condtitions. I hope that your family has healed from this experience and that you will be able to replace this horrible memory with the good memories of your grandmother. I wish you well.

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